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251 Jeju Homestay (Long term)   Marie Canada Aug/02/07
250 roomate wanted   Hyungi Korea Jul/12/07
249 looking for roommate for free   hajin Korea Jul/08/07
248 Looking for Homestay in Seocho   Cheryl USA Jun/03/07
247 looking for Room mate   kim Korea May/11/07
246 CA 샌디에고 ...   Jiyeon Korea May/06/07
245 I`m looking for a female roommate!   julie Korea Apr/16/07
244 Aussie seeking homestay in Seoul for ...   Brian Australia Mar/13/07
243 Would you like to stay with a homestay ...   Moon Sook-Hee Korea Mar/06/07
242 city tour & DMZ tour   tina Korea Feb/08/07
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